Nigerians Blasts Popular Instagram Comedian, Say This His Skit ‘Promotes Sexual Harassment’ (Photos)

Sydney Talker trends after a video (skit) of him showing a lady being sexually harassed by guys emerged online.

In the skit, Sydney Talker, was seen with 2 guys when a sexy lady
walked pass them. They found her attractive and wanted to get her.

One rushed to her and grabbed her bum bum just like that without
consent, and also brought out gun to threaten her and continued to
‘search’ her in sexually manner.

Sydney Talker and the other guy came to the lady as ‘ministry of health officials’ to conduct ‘inner search’ on her.

This has sparked outrage online as opinions are divided. While many
are condemning the skit for promoting sexual harassment, others are
arguing that it’s just a skit and shouldn’t be taken seriously despite
the sexual harassment theme

Do You Think What He Did Was Right?

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