Finally!! Wizkid Explains Real Meaning Of “Joro” (Watch Video)

In case you are one of those people who have been asking what “Joro” means, then Starboy is here to answer your question.

Wizkid’s newly released single, “Joro” dropped yesterday and since it dropped many have been asking questions on what the word “Joro” means.

There have been a lot of interpretations of the word without a
concrete and agreed arrival. However, while the research and debate on
the meaning of “Joro” continued, Wizkid explained the real meaning in detail.

He revealed to Beats1’s Julie Adenuga that “Joro” means nothing at the initial question from the OAP. But as Wizkid
thought for the second time, he then revealed “Joro” is just a slang
that is used to call the attention of a girl to come catch some fun.

Watch the video below:-

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